Patient Blood Management – tools, templates and resources

The NBA developed the National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy in 2017 - 2021 (external site). The document is aimed at supporting PBM as a standard of care. Australian Red Cross Lifeblood also produce a range of support tools for health professionals at: Patient blood management | Lifeblood.


Preoperative assessment

Intraoperative care and massive haemorrhage

Obstetrics, neonates and paediatrics

General transfusion

Other resources

Further information

Members of the Blood Unit are available from Monday to Friday during the hours of 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.

Blood Unit
Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Level 3, GPO Building
3 Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000

Last reviewed: 27-09-2023
Produced by

WA Blood Management