Patient safety – Data governance

Datix CIMS and CFM data are only accessible to WA health system employees who have been granted permission to access the Datix CIMS and/or CFM. The PSSU does allow access to de-identified CIMS data by external parties whose research proposal has been approved by PSSU and who have obtained appropriate ethics approval.

The Datix CIMS/CFM Information Access and Disclosure Model outlines:

Ad hoc data requests

The process for making an ad hoc data request for Datix CIMS/CFM data is outlined in the Information Access and Disclosure Model. Ad hoc requests for access to Datix CIMS/CFM data may be made by staff within the WA health system and third parties external to it, such as researchers, universities, external contractors, nongovernment organisations, and state and federal agencies.

To request access to Datix CIMS/CFM data, other than requests made under the FOI Act, complete and submit ‘Appendix 2 – Datix CIMS/CFM Data Request Form’.

  • If you’re requesting from within the WA public health system, refer to the WA health system Information Register to determine the appropriate Datix CIM/CFM Custodian whom to send the forms to.
  • If you’re requesting from outside the WA public health system, send the completed forms to

Prior to the release of any data ‘Appendix 3 – Datix CIMS/CFM Data Release Contract’ must be completed and submitted.

Research-related requests

Access, use and disclosure of information for research purposes requires specific governance processes which may be specific to local collections, and local policies/procedures/guidelines. All human research must be ethically and scientifically reviewed through an appropriate pathway by a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) as detailed in the Research Governance Policy. Research projects that require approval from a WA health system HREC include:

  • requests for information by entities external to the WA health system
  • research projects involving the use and disclosure of information from information assets held by WA health system
  • requests deemed by a Custodian to be sensitive or requiring ethics approval.

While researchers are welcome to discuss their project and Datix CIMS/CFM data request with the Systemwide Custodian, ethical approval must be granted by a WA health system HREC before any protected or confidential Datix CIMS/CFM data will be disclosed for research purposes. Evidence of ethical approval for the research (and site authorisation if required) must be submitted in conjunction with the Datix CIMS/CFM Data Request Form.

More information

Patient Safety and Surveillance Unit

Last reviewed: 08-04-2022
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Patient Safety Surveillance Unit