For health professionals

Skilful surgeon at work

PCH supports and works with a wide range of health professionals – including GPs, health practitioners, nurses and medical professionals – to promote the best possible care for our patients.

WA Health uses Operational Directives and Information Circulars to inform staff and others of statewide policies, guidelines and frameworks that are applicable within the public health system. 

Information for health professionals 

Paediatric Emergency Department guidelines

A comprehensive library of condition and treatment guidelines produced by a multidisciplinary team at PCH to provide a widely accessible and searchable directory of paediatric care to guide clinical decision making.

Children's Antimicrobial Management Program (ChAMP) guidelines and monographs

Guidelines and monographs that help prescribers make the best decisions regrading selection, dose, duration and monitoring of antibiotics and other antimicrobials.

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines are systematically developed statements that are designed to provide advice regarding the clinical care and management of children and adolescents, developed by clinicians and researchers for use within Perth Children's Hospital.

Referrals to PCH

When referring a patient to PCH, we ask that you follow our pre-referral guidelines and use Clinician Assist WA for valuable referral guidelines.

Simulation suite training

We offer training courses in our state of the art simulation suite for all health staff across WA.


The ESCALATION system is a series of clinical pathways for early recognition and response to clinical deterioration in paediatrics.

Perth Pulmonary Atresia Discriminant Score

The Perth Pulmonary Atresia Discriminant Score (PPDS) calculator aims to guide initial management of children born with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PA/IVS).