Public Wi-Fi

PCH provides a free Wi-Fi service to help patients, families and visitors stay connected.

The PCH Wi-Fi (‘HEALTH-Guest network’) is accessible throughout the hospital

You do not require a password to connect to the hospital’s free Wi-Fi.

Accessing the network 

For Apple iPhone users

  1. Make sure your Wi-Fi is on. 
  2. Connect to the HEALTH-Guest network in your Wi-Fi settings.
  3. Open a browser (e.g. Safari or Google Chrome) on your device, and browse to
  4. Read the terms and conditions of use on the web page that opens and accept if you agree.
  5. You should now have access to the internet.

For Windows users (laptops)

  1. Make sure your Wi-Fi is on. 
  2. Connect to the HEALTH-Guest network in your Wi-Fi settings.
  3. Open a browser (e.g. Safari or Google Chrome) on your device, and browse to
  4. Read the terms and conditions of use on the web page that opens and accept if you agree.
  5. You should now have access to the internet.


Quý vị có thể truy cập internet không dây trong toàn Bệnh Viện Nhi Đồng Perth thông qua mạng  HEALTH-GUEST Wifi

  • Kết nối HEALTH-GUEST Wifi từ thiết bị của quý vị
  • Một trang sẽ mở ra yêu cầu quý vị đồng ý với Các Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Sử Dụng.
  • Khi quý vị đã đồng ý với Các Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Sử Dụng, quý vị được truy cập internet tối đa 24 giờ.
  • Sau 24 giờ, quý vị sẽ phải đồng ý lại Các Điều Khoản và Điều Kiện Sử Dụng.


تتوفر خدمة الإنترنت اللاسلكي في جميع أنحاء مستشفى بيرث للأطفال عبر شبكة HEALTH-GUEST Wi-Fi.
• قم بتوصيل HEALTH-GUEST Wi-Fi من جهازك.
• ستُفتح صفحة تطلب منك الموافقة على بنود وشروط الاستخدام.
• بمجرد قبولك لشروط وبنود الاستخدام ستستطيع الدخول على الإنترنت لمدة تصل إلى 24 ساعة. 
• بعد مرور 24 ساعة ستحتاج إلى معاودة قبول شروط وبنود الاستخدام.


اینترنت Wireless در تمامی بخش های بیمارستان کودکان پرت از طریق شبکه HEALTH-GUEST Wi-Fi قابل دسترسی می باشد.                             

• به HEALTH-GUEST Wi-Fi از طریق دستگاه خود متصل شوید.
• صفحه ای باز خواهد شد و از شما خواهد خواست تا موافقت خود با شرایط استفاده رااعلام نمایید.

• وقتیکه شما موافقت خود را با دسترسی داشته باشید.
• بعد از 24 ساعت، باید موافقت مجدد خود در خصوص شرایط استفاده را اعلام نمایید. شرایط استفاده اعلام کنید، می توانید تا 24 ساعت به اینترنت


• 使用您的设备连接“HEALTH-GUEST”无线网络
• 网页会自动弹出,请您同意《使用条款》
• 您同意接受《使用条款》后,将可以接入因特网并使用最多24小时
• 24小时后,您需要重新接受《使用条款》

Terms of use

You are responsible for the security of your own device and any online activities and transactions (sent or received), including protection of usernames, passwords, financial and security-based information.

Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS) technical staff may monitor your use of the Service and can terminate your access at any time in response to a breach of these terms and conditions.

CAHS accepts no liability for the inadvertent public disclosure of your personal data or information, and is not liable for any loss or damage you may sustain as a result of your use of the Service.

You agree to take responsibility for your own online activities and those of the children you are supervising and accept responsibility for the installation of firewalls or other security mechanisms to help protect your device against unwanted digital traffic or downloads, or unauthorised access to, or use of, your personal data or documents.

PCH staff cannot provide any personalised technical support for wireless access.

For more information, please read the ‘Perth Children’s Hospital Guest Wi-Fi Network Terms of Use’ that appear on your device when you connect to PCH guest Wi-Fi’.

Cyber Safety guidelines

For the safety of children at PCH, the Child and Adolescent Health Service promotes responsible online behaviour.

  • Think carefully before befriending someone you don’t know online
  • Never give out personal details such as your name, email or home address, phone number or future plans
  • Never send a picture of yourself to a stranger
  • While at the hospital, you are not allowed to take or post pictures or videos of other patients or their families or PCH staff
  • If something online makes you suspicious, confused or uncomfortable, tell an adult
  • Never open emails or links from someone you don’t know or trust
  • Always check with an adult before downloading attachments or apps
  • Be kind to others and use acceptable language at all times.

For more information about PCH's Wi-Fi, including detailed instructions about connecting to the network, read the PCH Wi-Fi quick reference guide.