Simulation suite training


Three doctors in a theatre treating a mannequin

The PCH Simulation suite is a state-of-the-art simulated clinical teaching environment that provides healthcare professionals with opportunities to practice and refine their skills in a realistic and controlled environment.


Simulation-based learning (SBL) involves using technology and realistic scenarios to re-create healthcare environments in which actors and manikins replace real patients. Healthcare providers can practice responding to complex and high-stress situations without putting patients at risk. SBL can help to reduce medical errors, enhance clinical decision-making, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.


The suite contains

  • a fully fitted-out operating theatre
  • a critical care treatment bay, like those found in the Paediatric Critical Care (PCC) unit or the Emergency Department (ED) resuscitation area
  • a general ward bay

  • a range of programmable manikins in adult, child, infant and neonate versions

  • audio-visual equipment that allows for simulation sessions to be recorded or live streamed to a separate observation / debriefing area, including a mobile AV unit that can be taken to other areas of the hospital


Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation (PCHF) have provided grants to purchase manikins and provide new training courses.


PCH Simulation suite is an ANZCA-accredited centre for delivery of the Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) course in Australia.

Training courses available

Our training courses are open to healthcare professionals from across Australia to attend. Please contact us (details opposite) should you have any queries in relation to any of our courses.

Please note: unless otherwise indicated, the closing date for applications is generally eight weeks before the course date.

We fill many of our courses on a ‘first come, first served’ basis but applications for some courses (at the discretion of the Course Director) may involve a selection process.

We highly recommend submitting your application before the specified deadline to ensure it is included.

While we understand that circumstances may arise that could affect your ability to submit your application on time, please be aware that it may not always be possible to consider applications received after the closing date.

If you are applying for a course any later than this, please contact us to confirm applications are still being accepted.

Acute Paediatric Crisis Resource Management (CRM)
Adolescent Medicine and Eating Disorder (AMED)
Advanced Neonatal Simulation
Connecting with children and families: paediatric communication skills
Effective management of anaesthetic crisis (EMAC)
Managing Emergencies in Paediatric Anaesthesia (MEPA)
Neonatal Communication Course
Neonatal Difficult Airway Course
Neonatal Stabilisation and Transport Readiness (NeoSTARs)
Paediatric De-escalation course
Paediatric Trauma Simulation Course (PTSC)
Paeds Heart Sim
Simulation – Embedded Simulated Participant (ESP)
Simulation – JumpStart
Simulation – Scenario Design
Simulation – SimStart


Education and Training Centre
Level 5, Perth Children's Hospital

Take the Yellow or Pink lifts to Level 5 and follow signs for Education and Training Centre

Contact us

Phone: 6456 0503

Mailing list

Sign up to our mailing list to receive notifications of upcoming workshops, courses and other professional development opportunities, including our monthly Simulation Interest Group.