For adolescents

What is transition?
When you’re younger, you rely on your parents and family or carers to look after you. But as you get older, you can start doing this yourself. This is where transition can help you in the process of planning, preparing and moving from a children’s healthcare service. By beginning this process early, you will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to manage your own healthcare as an adult.
This is also a time of change for your parents or carers as you become more independent. With the help of your healthcare teams, you and your parents or carers will be supported through the transition process over several years.
Stages of transition
There are three stages of transition to a new adult healthcare service. These all depend on where you are in your life and what you’re ready for:
1. Introductory/Planning stage (12 -14 years)
Working out what you need to know
- Introduction to the concept of transition
- Establish your knowledge of your medical condition and how to manage it
- Important to start thinking about how you can start working towards being ready for transition
- Ask questions about your condition, medications and treatment.
2. Preparation stage (14 -16 years)
Learning the skills you need to take care of yourself
- Preparing ahead will ensure you have peace of mind
- Complete the ‘Transition checklist for young people’ to find out where you are at with your transition
- Talk your parents or carers about becoming more independent
- Start having time in your appointments without your doctor/s without your parents or carers
- Learn more about your medical condition
- Learn healthy ways of coping with stress and anxiety
- Start making your own decisions about your healthcare.
3. Transfer stage (16 - 18 years)
Looking after yourself with confidence
- At this stage of transition it is important that you are in control of your health care
- Know your condition, your treatment and who to contact if you’re unwell
- Know about safe sex, drugs and alcohol, and how to look after your mental health
- Find out what financial benefits you’re entitled to
- Find a GP you can trust
- Find out if you can access the same medication and treatment in the adult health service
- Have the contact details and information about your new adult health care service/s before you transfer
- Explore opportunities to meet your new care team/s or visit the adult health service
- Request a copy of your referral letters from your doctor/s
- Make appointments and attend your first adult appointment.
Download the
Transition for adolescents Health Fact sheet (PDF)
Finding a GP
Everyone should have a General Practitioner (GP), or local doctor, that they feel comfortable with. Your GP is usually the first health professional to contact if you start to feel unwell as they’re more available than specialists and they deal with all health problems.
We've got some helpful hints to get you started with finding a good GP.
Finding a good GP Health Fact sheet (PDF)
Useful tips for transition
Download the Useful tips for transition Health Fact sheet (PDF)