During your stay

We encourage parents and carers to be with their children on the wards during their stay, and to continue with their day to day care. Parents and carers know their children the best, and we recognise you as one of the most important people in your child’s care.

There's a lot to take in when your child is in hospital. We've compiled some of the key information to assist during your stay.

- If you decide that you would like to stay overnight with your child, there is bedside accommodation in all standard inpatient rooms. This accommodates one adult per night.
- Breakfast packs are provided to the parent or carer who stay overnight with their child.
- Family and friends can visit if they are feeling well during visiting hours.
- During the ward rounds (when the doctors’ visit each child every day), you can ask questions about your child’s care and treatment plan.
- If you feel unsure about your child’s care or have a question, please don’t hesitate to ask a nurse or doctor on the ward.
- If you feel concerned that your child's condition is deteriorating, please use Aishwarya's CARE Call.
- Patient meals are served three times a day – find out more about patient meals here.
- You can take a break and grab a free cup of coffee in the Ronald McDonald Family Room or Kulunga Moort Mia (Aboriginal Family Lounge) on Ground Level by the northern entrance.
- If you're looking for some fun things to do, visit Level 4 for Fun on Four, Starlight, Radio Lollipop and much more!
Smoke-free environment at CAHS
To protect patients, visitors and staff, all services across CAHS is a smoke-free environment. This means that you are not permitted to smoke on any CAHS premises including Perth Children’s Hospital (and the QEII Medical Centre site), community health service sites, carparks and vehicles.
Smoke Free WA Health Policy is not intended to stop people smoking but rather to protect others from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.