These are the closest carparks to PCH - listed in order of best availability:
PCH set down bays (24/7)
In the front undercroft of PCH, in front of the Main Entrance and Emergency Department entrance.
From both sides of Hospital Avenue - there is a northern entrance and southern exit (one way only).
Best access to
- Emergency Department
- Pick up
- Drop off
- 15 minute bays
- 30 minutes for ACROD pass holders, no maximum height.
Basement carpark at PCH (open 24/7)
The southern end of PCH, north of the ambulance entry.
From Hospital Avenue, closest to the southern end.
Best access to
Emergency Department and the inpatient wards (via the Green lifts).
ACROD bays
25 ACROD bays are available at a 2.5m overhead clearance.
Car Park 1 (open 24/7)
Car Park 1 is on the ground level, north of the QEIIMC Multi-Deck Car Park.
Enter via the QEIIMC Multi-deck Car Park, from the traffic lights on Winthrop Avenue. Turning right through the boom gates, drive straight through on ground floor to outdoor carpark, following the signs for visitor parking.
Best access to
All areas of the hospital.
ACROD bays
Bays available at a 3.4m overhead clearance.
Bays are also available on ground level by entering via the left lane and turning left.
Car park 7 (open 24/7)
From either direction on Hospital Avenue.
Best access to
- Emergency Department
- Wards
- Outpatient clinics.
ACROD bays
Bays for ACROD vehicles over 3.4m (this is an open-air carpark).

Parking charges
All carparks on QEIIMC are run by Wilson Parking, with the same parking charges for all across the site. Read about these charges here.
View the QEIIMC map for more information on car parks on site.