For patients and families

WA Palliative Care Service

What is paediatric palliative care?

What is Paediatric Palliative Care from #Quocca #Paedpc on Vimeo.

Health fact sheets

WA Paediatric Palliative Care for families Health Fact Sheet (PDF 661kb)


A Family Companion

‘A Family Companion’ is designed for parents and carers of babies, children and young people with a life-limiting condition or illness. This resource aims to prepare you for the situations and challenges you may face with regards to your child’s illness.

Kalparrin – Supporting families with children of additional needs in Western Australia

Join other families, develop relationships and networks and learn more about the issues that are of specific concern to you and your family.

Access the ‘brains trust’ and join thousands of other families for social and emotional support and to share knowledge, insight, information and experiences.

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Podcast: Life, Love and Loss

This podcast has been developed for families caring for a child who is dying. It focuses on the experience of parents of children who have died or are likely to have a short life. These parents bravely share the love and beauty of their children and the joy and sadness of their individual experiences. They hope their voices can support, inform, and better prepare other families who may need to face similar challenges.